Friday, 22 July 2011

I forgot I had a blog?

I only realized that this gosh darn contraption existed when my friend asked me if I had seen HER blog. Then the magic light bulb magically turned on in my head. Then the light bulb, in a perfect example of personification, whispered ever so softly to me, that I too have a blog. To which I responded "Oh, shit."  In explanation of my forgetting that my blog existed, I offer up two words, conspiracy theory. BAM. Perfect excuse. I still don't understand why it doesn't work on my teachers. I don't know why the hell I'm even bothering to make this post, it's not like anyone cares. But it's summer. And I don't have play practice tonight. Yeah, I said it. PLAY PRACTICE. Imma directa bitch. 

I wish I had something amazing to tell you about my summer, but I don't. I could tell you about the clown I met serving ice cream at a Fourth of July celebration that I fell in love with, but it's not really that interesting of a story.  He can make really awesome balloon animals. 'Nuff said.

This is me. DISCLAIMER: I do not own a pair of purple shoes. You should buy some for me.