Monday, 31 January 2011

An Introduction

Perhaps my deciding to make a blog is rather silly, perhaps not. I suppose it's a place to store all of my musings about things real and unreal. Maybe something quality will come out of it, or maybe it won't. I like to consider myself an amateur philosopher, but even that is wishful thinking. Not everything on here will be deep or meaningful, of course I'm not really much of a comic, so I can't say it will be funny either. Maybe it will. This introduction is hardly explanatory, it actually poses more questions than it enters. I don't really know how posting my thoughts on the internet for all to see is a good idea. In all truth, a blog is like a public diary, which is an unusual thing. Diaries are meant to be kept secret, and you don't usually find a public diary. That is, unless there is a younger sibling involved somewhere, or unless the person is deceased, and their diary has been turned into best selling novel. But the former only happens if you don't take the proper measures to protect your diary, and the latter usually only happens to famous people. Then again, the way some people use social networking sights, they could be considered public diaries. Mine certainly isn't used that way. I don't care to spread my private information everywhere. Yet I'm starting a blog. This is a conundrum isn't it? Oh, wait, that's why it's anonymous.

Please forgive me for this horid waste of your time, you may congratulate yourself for surviving it.

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